Bakers of Buckland Society

"I now come to write about the branch of the stock from which I myself more immediately descended," S.J. Baker

Officers of the Society

Elected Officers

Managing Officers:

  1. Jim Baker, President
  2. Dan Wooldridge, Secretary
  3. Susan Wooldridge, Treasurer
  4. Director of Communications – Open
  5. Karen Baker, Online Tree Manager
  6. Jim Baker, Director of IT

Tour Officer:

  1. Josiah Baker – Raleigh, NC Tours


  1. Bob Baker
  2. Karen Baker


Communications and Advertising Committee

Each Officer shall have the authority to establish one or more committees to support the duties of their Office.  Committees must be approved by a majority vote of the Officers, and Committee Chairs must be approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the voting members of the Society.

Corporate Directors

According to Federal law, the Society shall be overseen by (a minimum of) three Corporate Directors, all of whom are unrelated and who preside in the best interest of the Society.

  1. Susan Wooldridge, NE
  2. Devin Crowl, FL
  3. Mark Miller, UT

3 comments on “Officers of the Society

  1. Timothy Hobbs
    March 11, 2021

    I am the Grandson of Francis (Frank) M. Golson Jr. of Marianna Florida. Long story, but my Father Olen E. Hobbs Jr. was adopted by his Aunt and Uncle on his Mother’s side of the family when his Mother Katherine died of Pneumonia a few days after giving birth to him in January of 1941, hence the last name of Hobbs instead of Golson. I grew up in Panama City Florida, and my Father did also. I believe that I am related to the Bakers from Marianna Florida. My Grandfather told me about Captain Henry Hyer Baker and then I kept looking back in history from there. I would really like to be a part of your society and to contribute what I can to preserving our heritage!

    • Susan Wooldridge
      March 12, 2021

      Hi Timothy,
      Thank you for reaching out. We would love to include you. I have passed your note onto the president of the group.

      • Timothy E. Hobbs (Golson)
        November 16, 2022

        Thank you! I am directly related to the Bakers of Gates County NC and also Marianna FL, Greenwood FL etc., where they migrated to. My Grandfather, Frank Golson grew up in Marianna and I grew up in Panama City, FL. I hope to hear from someone in the family eventually — hopefully. My phone number is: 334-451-0261, email:

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